Plan for an updated version of Railway Heraldry
George Dow wrote a book about railway coats-of-arms in Britain. It was called Railway Heraldry and was published in 1973. A supplement containing additional information and corrections followed in 1985.
Andrew Dow, George's son, began work on an updated version of the book in the 2000s. It was to be his next project after The Railway, but illness prevented him from completing it before he passed away in 2015.
I have now taken over the project from my father. The plan is to update the book from 1973 to today. This will involve extending the chapter about B.R. heraldry after Nationalisation, and likewise the chapter about private lines and other non-mainline railway companies that adopted armorial devices.
It will also involve adding a new chapter about railway heraldry after Privatisation in the 1990s. One of my current tasks is compiling a list of all railway companies that have used some form of armorial device during this period.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has information relevant to any of these chapters. Digital photos are also welcome, if at least 1000 pixels in their minimum dimension. If you have information or photos you think might be relevant, please email them to railway (at) dow (dot) scot. Unfortunately I can't promise to reply promptly, but I will try to reply. Many thanks.
James Dow